Spreading Joy Through D’s Old-Fashioned Treats (DSOFT) Give Back Program

Spreading Joy, One Treat at a Time

At D’s Old-Fashioned Treats (DSOFT), our mission is simple: to spread joy through delicious treats and give back to our community. That’s why we are proud to announce the launch of our Give Back Program, where 10% of all sales are donated to one local charity or organization that directly impacts the lives of those in need.

The Power of Giving Back

Get excited about DSOFT’s Give Back Program! This unique initiative allows our customers to partake in enriching projects that empower communities and provide invaluable support to various charitable causes. By joining hands with us, you’re stepping into a beautiful opportunity to make an impactful difference in numerous lives while continuing to enjoy our top-notch services. This is your chance to give back and be part of something extraordinary – all while being a valued DSOFT customer. Dive into this rewarding experience with us today!

How DSOFT is making a difference in the community

At DSOFT, our Give Back Program shines a light of hope and happiness for those in need. By sponsoring local charity events and providing delightful treats to shelters, we are committed to enriching lives and fostering a community spirit. Our dedication goes beyond sharing tasty delights; it’s about crafting waves of kindness that elevate everyone around us. Join us in spreading smiles across the community!


Getting involved and spreading joy with DSOFT

Are you ready to be a part of something extraordinary? Join D’s Old-Fashioned Treats (DSOFT) in our mission to spread joy and kindness through our Give Back Program! Whether you donate treats or spread the word about our cause, there are many ways to get involved and make a difference. Let’s come together to create a community filled with love and compassion.

Each November, we open the doors to you to nominate one non-profit to donate to for one year. On January 15th, we will announce the charity to which we will donate 10% of each sale for one year.  Together, we can make the world a sweeter place for all! Let’s spread joy with DSOFT!  #SpreadJoyWithDSOFT


Joining DSOFT in spreading joy and making a difference

Your involvement could be as simple as sharing a sweet treat with a neighbor or participating in one of our community events. Every small gesture counts: together, we can create a wave of happiness that knows no bounds. Stay connected with DSOFT to learn more about upcoming opportunities to give back and make a positive impact. Together, we can make a difference and inspire others to do the same. Let’s spread joy and kindness one sweet treat at a time!  #SpreadJoyWithDSOFT